Let's admit it...some of the anime characters out there are drawn to be ridiculously cute. That goes for both guys and girls. It's the same thing you see in TV shows and movies. Actors/actresses are sometimes cast due to their looks, there's no denying that. A pretty face up on screen can be a reason for certain people to check out a movie. A pretty anime lead can do exactly the same.
If I had to pick one anime character that's my crush, I'd definitely have to go with Haru Hara Haruko from FLCL. I'm not ashamed to admit it! Now, I'm not saying that I take that love the the 'extreme'...I think you know what I mean. With that said, I definitely think that Haruko's design and personality are extremely endearing.
Of course, that's not to say that I should like the character! For those that have seen the anime, you know that Haruko has a few ulterior motives! She's one of those dangerous girls, and sometimes that can be a bit of fun. I'd probably end up getting beaten to a pulp by her...but somehow I think that's okay!
Don't be shy. Tell us who your anime crush is. That goes for both guys and girls alike!