Just an FYI to all of our Canadian customers. The Canadian Postal strike has finally ended and mail service in Canada is resuming as of tomorrow.
On our end, the US Postal Service has announced:
Canadian Postal Employees Return-To- Work Tonight - USPS To Begin Accepting Mail Destined For Canada Tomorrow.
The Canadian government passed back-to-work legislation Sunday night. Canadian Postal employees will return to work beginning June 27 at 8:30 p.m. USPS will begin accepting mail for Canada starting June 28. Mail held in the USPS network since the work stoppage began is being released and transported into Canada.
Due to the large volumes of mail held by countries, customers may experience slightly longer transit times. USPS is working closely with the Canadian Postal Service to hold delays to a minimum.
This is definitely good news. Everyone should just keep in mind that the folks here at USPS have been letting Canadian mail accumulate in trailers for about 3 weeks now, so I'm sure all Canadian mail shipments will see pretty long delivery delays until Canadian post can work through that huge backlog. Everyone should just expect Canadian mail delivery times to be much longer than normal for the next few weeks.
Special thanks to Christina B. for keeping us all updated on this!