Manga no Tsukurikata Chapters 25-26

Special Thanks to Anon for sharing the link

Chapter 25

The story focuses on Masato. He made friend in school that look like Morishita and he kept comparing Morishita to her.

I feel sorry for him. He is still in love with Morishita but maybe he'll give up on her now.

Chapter 26

Morishita was advised by her editor to move to Tokyo but she haven't decided yet since she doesn't want to be separated from Kawaguchi. She asked Takeda's advice and she told Morishita she should do what her editors said.

Takeda and Morishita are still misunderstanding each other. Morishita thinks Takeda likes her girlfriend and Takeda thinks Morishita is a novice. In Tokyo, it seems Morishita's editor has a thing for her. Maybe that's why she wants Morishita to live closer to her.

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Overall rating:


Chapter 25
Chapter 26