Genre: Shoujo Ai
Group Scanlating: 4chan & /u/
Status: Completed
Chapter 01
Yuko and Sae are getting ready since Mayu and her boyfriend might be coming over. when Mayu arrived, she was with a girl. They went to a room and they both could hear that Mayu and her friend are doing "something".
Yuko and Sae talked about whether it's bad or not and Sae decided to go outside. Yuko stopped her and said,
"Is that kind of thing... really so bad? Even with me here?"
Chapter 02
Sae has been avoiding Yuko and Yuko started to think that she is pushing herself to Sae. Sae, on the other hand, wants to know what Yuko meant when she previously said,
"Is that kind of thing... really so bad?"
When Yuko came home, Sae pretended to sleep and Yuko embraced her.. She then thought,
"Is this what you meant by 'that kind of thing?'...I don't think it's bad...It isn't bad at all, Yuko.."
Next day, Sae was surprised when Yuko said,
"Sae!...I'm moving out..."
Overall rating:
Roommates Chapter 01 Roommates Chapter 02 Roommates Chapter 03 [end]