If This Wish Comes True Chapters 03-04
Group Scanlating: Lililicious
Chapter 03
You have work and she can't go out with Tsukiko and Umi. She told them they could be romantic together without her as a third wheel and Tsukiko was about to tell her something but she changed her mind. When they were walking home, Umi was about to invite Tsukiko but she said she had a headache and she'll go straight home. Umi got really angry when she got home and said,
"Why?... Is it You-chan?...Why can't it be me?"
Chapter 04
They were playing hide and seek and You and Tsukiko hid at the same place. Tsukiko was wondering where Umi was hiding and her classmates told her she went to the shrine. It started to rain so Tsukiko got an umbrella and came looking for her. When she found her, Umi said she wished that Tsukiko would be able to tell You her feelings.
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Chapter 03 Chapter 04
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