Art and Story by LoneWolf
Hot! Hot! Hot! shiznat doujinshi by Lonewolf. Here we see the other side of Natsuki.
She sings at a club every night and she never told anybody that. Not even Shizuru. She always comes home late so one day, Shizuru decided to follow her all day until she saw her enter the bar named "The Liquid Room". She was surprised when she saw her Natsuki sang on stage and left an anonymous note for her that says,
"To "K", I loved your performance tonight. Love, Your biggest fan"
Natsuki came home and found Shizuru awake in their bed. They made love but Natsuki fell asleep right in the middle of it.
I love it!!! The art was beautiful drawn. Natsuki looked so hot when she's on stage. As for Shizuru, she's always hot, always. The story was very good and the love scene was....steamy..and hot... and sexy...
Overall rating:
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