Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Chapter 05
Group Scanlating: Zefiberyl Translations
Shizuku said he was Chikane's lover and she killed the other Chikane but Chikane said it was all a lie. He also seems to know a lot about her especially on the physical sense but Chikane doesn't remember any of it.
Himeko overheard everything and was confused whether Chikane really did kill her sister or not. Chikane apologized to her and said,
"I don't know anything...I don't want to remember..I..I'm content to be Himeko's angel."
She asked Himeko to command her to fight so she will gain strength and Himeko did just that. She fought with Shizuru again and she won, leaving her almost naked since her clothes were all shredded. She then told Himeko,
"Himeko...Himeko's sanctuary...I will protect it...without fail"
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Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Chapter 05
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