Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri
Reimu and Sanae were getting really close and Marisa started to notice. Yukari reminded her of the Hakurei law that a shrine maiden should never treat anyone special or it will destroy the balance of Gensokyo.
Reimu was bothered by her feelings and decided to battle with Sanae. Sanae refused to fight back but Reimu wouldn't listen and continued her attack. Reimu caught her and said,
"I also couldn't believe it could happen...That I would come to love Sanae this much..That I'm the only one who feels this way and Sanae just continues on you normally do"
After they've calmed down, they embraced each other and Sanae thought,
"Reimu, I'm starting to feel the same way too."
I love it especially the ending when they almost kissed but Yakari interrupted them.
Overall rating:
Omens of Love (Reimu x Sanae Touhou)