Group Scanlating: Dynasty Scans
Ai is in love with her sister, who is now a teacher at her school. She watches her all the time and one day, she came to the infirmary and confronted her. She asked what she was doing in bed for 40 minutes with student. Her sister asked if she was peeping and Ai said no. Her sister said,
"I get it. You should have told me sooner"
She started touching Ai and said,
"I'll add you to my collection"
Ai got angry and threatened to make an issue out of what she just did. She said she'll report her to the school and the media so she'll lose her job and stay in their house forever. Her sister got really nervous and Ai added,
"And since I'll be there in the house too...All you'll have left to do is be together with me...only with me...looking at me"
It's also a happy ending. Her sister is also in love with Ai and thought it was unrequited so she used the other girls to hide her feelings. She then said,
"You're the only one for me now, Ai"
Overall rating:
Closer Yet Further Apart Than Anyone