Well, the big con in California is over and all we have to show for it were all these lousy new license announcements...
...or do we?
Reports coming out of Expo this year seem to reflect a tepid atmosphere but still a fun show for fans that lacked almost any industry presence. Funi and Viz were only two Anime industry companies that attempted to have any real presence at the show, and many (formerly) big names in the R1 Anime Industry were notably and totally absent this year.
As a result, we only got a tiny handful of new announcements, and while this is being explained away in some circles that the old model of 'giving up your best goods at the big show' is dead, one has to wonder. I mean, Expo is the largest and most covered convention in the US with the largest single concentration of Anime fans in one place outside of Japan - if you can't leverage the exposure for your best stuff there, then when? Where is your commitment to Anime fans. Where is the commitment to Anime retailers out here on the front lines sweating out the recession without much new material to offer our customers? Where's the beef man?!
I'm glad people had a great time at the show, but I'm pretty disappointed by the lack of industry involvement. It makes a lot of the hype we are hearing from some of the US Anime publishers ring hollow, and makes me feel like the disconnect between Fans and the Industry is wider than ever.
But maybe I'm just a little cranky because it's Monday. 'shrugs'