Now that's some serious equipment! Big screen analog TV complete with top loading Betamax VCR all in a gorgeous wood grain console. There is no date on the ad, but it's probably circa about 1982/83 (I was about 12 then). Well worth 4 months pay.
When not watching flicks I would have been jamming on my Apple IIE (which was already 3 years old), which had dual 5 1/2" floppies and no hard drive, but I did have a slick cassette tape drive for it as well.
This would have been right around the time that I installed my 80 column card for my green screen monitor. At some point I actually got a color monitor for it with a color card, and I also added a Winchester drive a little later, which I think was 5mb and seemed at the time to have more space on it that I could ever use. I had, and used, that computer for 12 years, and we did everything on BBS's over a 9600baud modem - the kind that had a coupler you had to set the phone handset into. No e-mail. No WWW. No My-Space. No I-Pods. No X-Box. No Cel Phones.
Mine is the last generation that will ever live knowing what life was like when there was NO Internet or any of this other stuff that just Vampires our lives away. Oh well, now you can just read about it in the history books - you know, how people once actually went outside from time to time... LOL! -_^