(I wanted to study with this notebook, too...)
It's spring!
Good luck with facing your new goals!!
It's her attendance after 1 month again!!!
During her last month's attendance it was still cold, but this time Maki-chan came in completely springlike garments.
Did you all go to the cherry blossom viewing?
As for Maki-chan, "I was cherry blossom viewing while talking a walk."
While walking along the row of cherry trees, Maki-chan thought...
"I'm glad to be a Japanese..."
By the way, you all got one, right?
The SOL! NOTEBOOK is even Maki-chan's favorite, too!!!
"Why couldn't they put it out during my student days..."
She also has an advice for how to use it. "If you are a freshman and are holding a SOL! NOTEBOOK, it should be really easy to make friends!!!!"

You can get it in the SCHOOL OF LOCK! Shop or country-wide at LAWSON!
Maki-chan in the middle of checking your postings...
"There are many posts of freshmen!!!!"
"Are you having an inspection of the school!? Horikita Maki is the head of books club!!! You definitely have to go to the books club!!!"
As expected of the head of the books club!!! You don't even have to care about other invitations!!!
Then Maki-chan suddenly opens the window of the classroom and says, "The spring night wind feels sooo great", ... but all the teaching material got blown off. Tonight is a strong wind, so you rather keep it closed...
Alright, let's introduce a post from the bulletin board.
Actually Maki-chan really has some experience as vice president in the student council!!!
If you were to run for the vice-presidency, "As president you would be alone, where as vice president you would be 2."
"I didn't get into the student council to stand out, I wanted to do a reliable job as the student council and that's why you should want to get into the student council."

Tomorrow's "KyakuDen" (calling a listener) will be related to "Atashinchi no Danshi"!!!
Do you have a lot of brothers!!??
Then hurry and post a message!!!
Music played: 8cm no Pin Hiiru by chatmonchy