After 1 month it's Horikita Maki's attendance again~
For now she's able to have a break from movies, doramas and so on.
It feels like she was busy all the time.
You guys too; exams, Valentine's Day, periodic exams, graduations...
You are just as busy, aren't you!?
"The most important thing is to control your own physical condition!" says Maki.
Enjoy every day with a lot of energy, even if you are having a cold during your exams; focus, wash your hands and gargle.
Alright, tonight we are going to introduce some of the messages for Maki that reached us during the month.

The first one is..
Aku-chan - male / 17 / Hokkaido
Snow Country
Hokkaido is wonderful with all the snow! *sweatdrop* Tomorrow I'm going snowboarding for the first time this year!! (^O^)
I hope that the snow will be good!!
Are you doing any winter sports???
Maki: "I also love winter sports~. I like skiing, snowboarding and ice skating. However, I'm envious of you, because recently I haven't been able to go at all~. Some years ago I went, but it was such a mild winter that there wasn't any snow at all and all we saw was the soil. How was it Aku-chan? Was the snow good!?

Kouki - male / 14 / Tokyo
My dream is to become an actor and now I applied for the JUNON BOY contest
The voting hasn't even started yet, but my heart is already pounding like crazy
Could you please give me an advice of what to do during auditions?!
Maki: "An advice? Let's see, I was scouted by the agency, so I didn't have to go through any audition. However, I had to do a lot of auditions for CMs, doramas, movies and so on. Just show that you are absolutely self-confident and you'll be okay, even if your fail. The point is that your own feelings are important here. If you truly believe in yourself, then you will make it someday. Good...