When 'just one more' turns into a full series

I'm not afraid to say that I find anime very addictive.  I think that's why I have this blog right now!  I absolutely love to talk about anime, and I also love getting to hear from other anime fans out there.  There's just so much anime to talk about.  If only there were more time to watch as much as I wanted to.  As it is now, I try to set limits and end up blowing right through them!

Between work and other obligations, my free time doesn't come until very late in the night.  It's more like the wee hours of the morning when most normal people are sleeping.  This is the time I take to enjoy some free time fun.  It's one of the only chances each night where I get to relax and do what I want to do!  This almost always includes playing video games and watching anime.

I'll start the night off with a plan.  I tell myself that I'm going to watch some anime, but I'll be sure to cut it off at a certain time.  An hour's worth of episodes or just one anime film is enough for the night, and I can always get into more content the next day.  I mean, I have to get some sleep if I'm going to function for work!  That's always the plan I go in with...but it never sticks.

I think the problem might be related to anime being so enjoyable!  Having an entire series ready to watch makes for a very tough situation to ignore.  I'll watch a few episodes of an anime, and before I know it it's the cut-off time that I set earlier.  I'll look at the TV and convince myself that just one more episode is fine.  Before I know it, I've doubled the amount I want to watch!  I know it's definitely time to go to bed when the sun is coming up!

Do you have the same thing happen to you?  Do you find it hard to watch just a couple episodes of an anime?  Those storylines and characters are calling to you, and it's so hard to shut the TV/computer off when the next episode is just a click away!