Gurren Lagaan from Best Buy and into my collect

How far am I willing to go when it comes to anime?  Well, I managed to sneak a trip to Best Buy after my usual rounds of GoNintendo.  I made it back in time to start my next update session on schedule!  The damn ride took an hour due to traffic, but the end result was worth it!

I seriously am dying to pop this in right now, but the work day isn't over yet.  I won't get to check it out until the wee hours of the morning, but I'm thinking the wait is worth it.  I went 29 years barely knowing anything about the series.  I think I can handle going a few more hours before it becomes a part of my anime lifestyle!

Thanks to all of you that have been tweeting about this series lately.  You pushed me into a purchase of what I'm sure will be another amazing anime experience.  I truly appreciate it!