Attack of the anime bully

People are what makes this world great.  There are some truly wonderful people out there, and they bring joy into the lives of people the world over.  Having those friends to share experiences with makes for memories that will last a lifetime.  Giving someone a reason to smile is the greatest gift that you can give, and while there are many people that like to do that, there are those that take the opposite route.

As you know, my purpose for this blog is to bring anime fans together and also introduce new people to anime.  I want to stop all the negativity that surrounds anime far too often.  Just last week I showed you what I considered to be an absolutely rude, ignorant and crass response to my asking of why someone hated anime.  That man is just one example of one of the rotten eggs out there.

I also shared the story of my friend and his father...the father that put his kid down for watching Akira.  This is a classic case of someone that simply doesn't understand anime, and rather than try to figure out what it's all about, they just put down the art form and move on from there.  It's much easier to put someone down for enjoying something rather than figure out what it is that gives them that enjoyment.  Walking through life looking to learn will provide challenges and great rewards, but walking through life ignorant and spiteful is definitely an easier road.

The anime-viewing public is definitely the minority when looking at the people of the world, and that makes us a big target for bashing.  So many people are quick to judge anime and those that view it.  These people won't give anime a shot, nor will they let you show them what type of person you are.  They'll tease you for your hobby and make you feel legitimately wrong for enjoying yourself in such a way.  It's what bullies do, and they thrive on those interactions.

Have you ever been harassed or teased about your anime interests?  Tired of people judging you based on their incorrect preconceived notions about anime?  I'd love for you to vent here and let us know about your negative experience.  Let's take those sad stories and turn them into positive experiences.  You have plenty of anime friends here that are ready to take your side and support you in what you enjoy.