Hayate X Blade Chapter 46

Group Scanlating: Hoshitori

Here's another great chapter of Hayate X Blade. Enjoy!

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Hayate X Blade Chapter 46

Time of Love & HONEY x KISS [NanoFate Doujin]

Group Scanlating: NanoFate.us

Here are 2 new one shots from NanoFate.us. I love it! They're cute, funny and sweet...

Overall rating:


Time of Love & HONEY x KISS [NanoFate Doujin]

Sasameki Koto Chapter 47 [RAW]

Special Thanks to ShiroAka for sharing the download link.

I know you've been waiting for this. So am I. What happened to Sumika? Darn, I was expecting she'd run towards Kazama and hug her or something. And who's the guy in the end? If someone can read this, please let us know what happened.

Overall rating:


Sasameki Koto Chapter 47 [RAW]

Girls of Sun and Sea

Group Scanlating: Lililicious

Okay, this is weird. I posted a very similar one shot before called Midsummer Lovers. The art is a bit different but the story and characters are the same. Both were drawn by the Akiko Morishima to.

Overall rating:


Girls of Sun and Sea

Butterfly Kiss Blade Chapter 05

Group Scanlating; Tranquil Spring

Here's a new chapter of Butterfly Kiss Blade. Enjoy!

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Butterfly Kiss Blade Chapter 05

Sweet Potato [Yuyuko x Youmu Touhou]

Group Scanlating: Wings of Yuri

Here's a really nice touhou doujin for you. Yuyuko and Youmu are so cute and sweet. I love it! I'm starting to love their pairing too.

For some reason, this touhou reminds me of shiznat. I guess it was Yuyuko's teasing and Youmu's blushing that made them seem like Shizuru & Natsuki.

I'm done for. My shiznat obsession is just getting worst. LOL

Overall rating:


Sweet Potato [Yuyuko x Youmu Touhou]

Have An Amazon Gift Certificate? You Can Spend it at RACS like Cash!

Several customers have inquired recently about how they might redeem an Amazon gift code or certificate here at RACS, so I though I'd do a quick post about it.

First, can you redeem an Amazon gift certificate or gift at RACS? Why, yes, I don't see why not (though our FAQ doesn't specifically mention this right now). Now obviously we cannot setup the store to automatically accept an Amazon gift code, but, you CAN spend an Amazon gift card here at RACS via mail order. Do you have something that looks like this laying around:

We will treat your valid, unredeemed Amazon gift certificate or gift code just like cash at full face value, so just place your order and select 'check' or 'money order' as your payment option, and then mail in your Amazon gift certificate or gift code (make sure we know the amount it's good for) to us along with any balance that might be due (via check or money order) and we will apply it your our order just like it's cash. Also, don't want to mail them, you can just drop the Amazon claim code # and dollar amount from the gift certificate into the comments box on the order form, or e-mail it (them) to us  (be sure to include your order #) after you place your order and we'll apply them to the order balance. This would work for credit card orders as well as long as you don't mind us adjusting the balance of the order by the amount of the gift certificate on our end AFTER the order is placed. How's that sound? :-)

Shitsurakuen Chapter 21

Group Scanlating: Mako Scans

Here's a new chapter of Shitsurakuen. Enjoy!

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Shitsurakuen Chapter 21

Orange & Yellow Chapter 03 [End]

Group Scanlating: Dynasty Scans

Ehh, it's the end already? I love this chapter. Totally made me happy today.

To download previous chapters, click here.

Overall rating:


Orange & Yellow Chapter 03 [End]

Media Blasters Update - Dragon Destiny Back in Stock!

I just wanted to do a quick post to let you all know that we've gotten several big restock shipments from Media Blasters over the last couple of days. One notable title that is now back in stock after being backordered for a few weeks is the Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny Complete Collection. We filled a couple hundred backorders for various Media Blasters titles today, including DD, and we have plenty left over if you need a copy. We ordered enough this time around so that we shouldn't run out again.

We also got in a big batch of restocks from Media Blaster's adult label, Kitty. Several titles that have been on perpetual backorder since last fall are now finally back in stock including Discode 1.2.3, Cantaloupe Collector, and the Bible Black Game.

While we did get the first Moribito BluRay Collection from MB yesterday (pretty much on time), we still have no word on when the new Queens Blade Collection might ship. It's over a week late now and despite all my calls and e-mails I can't find anyone there that seems to know when it might be going out to retailers. They keep telling me they 'guess' this or that, but I can 'guess' too. I'll post an update on it once I have something 'concrete' to post. I think we can also assume that all those MB Spring releases we have setup for March 1st will end up being another 'they will ship when they ship' deal. You know, an 'all dates are soft until 30 minutes prior' kinda thing. Stay tuned...

Summer Wars 'O-Card' Available Directly from Funimation

As many of you know, FUNimation shipped the latest batch of Summer Wars DVD's without the 'O-Card' (which is the slip cover). Since we ran out of the first press versions about a week ago we have started shipping these non cover copies to customers over the last few days.

These non-first pressing versions do not include the special art card pack in, but they were supposed to  still come with the 'O-Card' slip covers.

If you received a copy of Summer Wars from us without the slip cover, you can request it from FUNimation directly, just fill out the form located here. And don't forget, be sure to select your 'place of purchase' as "Robert's Anime Corner Store". :-)