I can't believe I've already put together over 200 articles for this blog. That seems absolutely insane! While I didn't start the blog all that long ago, it feels like I just put it together yesterday! My, how time flies when you're discussing a topic you love with some wonderful people. I can't thank you all enough for the support you've thrown my way thus far. That's why I'm turning to you guys for my next topic.
I really want to know what you guys want to see from Anime Your Way. If you've followed over from GoNintendo, you obviously know that community is very important to me. AYW is going to be exactly the same. What you guys want matters to me, and I want to take this blog in a direction that you'll appreciate. That goes for content and voice, as well as anything else inbetween!
As for those of you that found this blog another way, thank you so much for joining in! I truly do appreciate the newcomers, and it helps me to realize that I'm reaching out to new people. It's been an honor writing for you these past few months, and I know things are only going to get better from here on out. I can't thank you enough for stopping by and being a part of the community!
So yes, now I'd love to hear from all of you concerning what kind of direction you want the blog to take. I'll be reading all the comments you guys leave, and feel free to express your opinion on here/Twitter/email. I'll be reading them all the same. Hearing this kind of stuff really is important to me. I want to know what you guys are looking for so I can better deliver that content!