The movie is a continuation of the two Sora no Otoshimono (Heaven's Lost Property) anime series, which Funi has already licensed. They plan to release the movie somewhere around mid-2012.
Funimation Picks Up the Heaven’s Lost Property: The Angeloid of Clockwork
The Funimation folks announced at their Otakon panel over the weekend that they have licensed the Sora no Otoshimono: Tokei-jikake no Angeloid (Heaven’s Lost Property the Movie: The Angeloid of Clockwork) film.
The movie is a continuation of the two Sora no Otoshimono (Heaven's Lost Property) anime series, which Funi has already licensed. They plan to release the movie somewhere around mid-2012.
The movie is a continuation of the two Sora no Otoshimono (Heaven's Lost Property) anime series, which Funi has already licensed. They plan to release the movie somewhere around mid-2012.
License Announcements